Monday, November 24, 2008

ok the head to neck are pretty much done as far as textures go, and thats just the diffuse pass. as i start to paint weight maps on it to make the parts pop that need to pop. any comments or crits are always welcome! love to all. Henry

and definately check out the amazing peter konig website who kindly donated the concept for this piece.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


well here is the work in progress of the 3d model of "glurp" a concept by the awesome Peter Konig. some changes have been made from the original but it is still just out of its proxy stages. peace. Henry

Monday, November 10, 2008

its marble jim, but not as we know it

ok initial tests on the inlay of the armor of my character. a smooth white marble with gold inlay. still needs tweaking but fingers crossed i can make this clean enough to be thrown into anyshape and work!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

right a more styalized still of my skin shader. not as realistic but i think its got more personality. ive attached a picture of the hypershade im using if it will help anyone. using the wonderful mix20layer which you can find on to plug the mia_material_x insted of the spec channel on the skin shader. as the misss fast skin shaders spec channel has some rubbish phong settings. no one likes them. so here you are result and how i got there. love to all.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

ROUND 2!! ooook so my second render pass. couple of layers. all done maya through zbrush. enjoy!